Homeopathic Lifelines: How Homeopathy Rescued Me Time and Again
I don't know how many times my homeopath has saved me now, but I can tell you about the two times she saved the life of my Whippet, Ville.
He was bitten by a snake while I was on vacation. The dog sitter rushed him to the animal hospital; they didn't think he would make it. He received antivenom, but he was still very ill for several days. They refused to give him the homeopathic remedy I left with them, so I smuggled it in and gave it to him secretly. When I left the animal hospital that day (a Wednesday), they said he was in such bad shape that he would probably need to stay over the weekend (4 more days), if he survived. The next day, they called me at 10 am and said he was lively enough to come home.
A couple of years later, the same dog had a brain hemorrhage. He started staggering, his eyes rolled, and he collapsed, vomited, urinated, defecated, and drooled. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remembered that the homeopathic remedy Arnica could be given for bleeding, so I gave him a dose before driving to the animal hospital. At the animal hospital, they confirmed that he had indeed suffered a brain hemorrhage as I suspected and that they couldn't do anything. They wanted to euthanize him, but I hesitated for as long as possible. I called my friend, a homeopathic veterinarian, who advised me to wait and let the remedy work. So when the vet came with the injection, I said we wanted to wait a little longer. She came back after 40 minutes, and by then, he lifted his head and could focus his eyes. To make a long story short, he walked out of there on his own shaky legs, and the next day he was almost back to normal. His vision was a bit worse for a couple of days, but he recovered incredibly well!
Homeopathic remedies are widely used in Germany, where doctors and homeopaths work closely together under the same roof. However, in Sweden, we are not as informed, so people laugh at the method, and those of us who use it are seen as wearing tin foil hats. Not even when a dog comes in with a confirmed brain hemorrhage and walks out on its own do veterinarians ask what you've given the dog. There is no interest in learning about anything that doesn't come from the big pharmaceutical companies. I don't know how it is in your country?
/Mirabelle Wesden