Gratitude Unleashed: How Natural Dog Food Became a Health Revolution!
I've received so many lovely messages lately, both through private messages on social media and via email. I want to take this opportunity to thank and applaud all of you who have started making your own dog food. It's truly not an easy thing to dare to go against the tide and do the opposite of what everyone around you is saying!
When I began my journey toward insight and awakening, we weren't many, and we faced criticism from various directions. However, we fought against the current, and over time, more and more people joined us. Today, there are quite a few who have reverted to the diet that dogs are built to eat, despite industry recommendations. The results are clear; our dogs suffer from the same welfare diseases as we do—obesity and diabetes among dogs are at record highs.
The belief that ultra-processed, sterile, industrially manufactured food could be better for a dog than natural food they are built to eat is solely due to nearly 100 years of systematic brainwashing. Once we break free from the profit-driven control system and let reason prevail, we see things with completely different eyes. What was once obvious has, over the years, become unthinkable, side by side with industrial progress.
In recent years, we've lived amidst an information war that polarizes and divides us. Propaganda and scare tactics, especially from those claiming to be credible, make us lose all confidence in our abilities. We've been indoctrinated to believe that we must entrust our dogs' lives to self-proclaimed experts, and we dare not rely on our judgment. The science has become the new religion, and the problem is that it's easy to manipulate and destroy if the industry has an agenda. Moreover, new findings are constant, so we can never be sure that science is indeed true. When reading research, we must always check who funds it. Who has an interest in the result? In many cases, it's mostly just theories that prevail until new theories replace them. Yet those who fight on the side of science want these theories to govern our lives. We are not supposed to think for ourselves; we should just choose a side in the fight and then fight to convince the other side.
Amidst all this chaos of information, dogs stand. They are the ones paying the price for our choices. They are trying to tell us something, and if we just listen, we can make a big difference for them. But it requires us to take a step back, become more humble towards nature, and see what dogs truly need. And that is living food, not "dead," sterile, and overly processed industrial food.
If we replace the "dead" food with natural and living food, we get quick results. A natural diet can completely reverse a dog's health overnight! Dogs have short life cycles, so we get rapid reactions when we give them a diet tailored to them. They also clearly show us that each is an individual who must figure out what works for their own body. Here, the industry has lost. They believe they can develop a feed suitable for a specific breed, that all dogs with pancreatitis should eat the same thing, etc. The body doesn't work that way; you have to experiment to see what works for this particular dog.
Dogs don't read research or think about fat and protein percentages; they eat what they get and react accordingly.
The conclusion here is simply that I want you to listen to what your dog needs, what they are built for, and what nature has planned. I also want you to understand a bit about how the industry has fooled people into thinking they know everything, and you know nothing. Veterinary care today is scandalously expensive, and by giving your dog good food, you can cancel your subscription at the vet and have a healthier dog.
/Mirabelle Wesden