Can Dog Food Cause Seizures?
Seizures are often a frightening experience for both dogs and their owners, and determining the cause can be challenging.
Research suggests that certain dog foods may act as triggers for seizures. Food allergies, contaminated food, and mold in food can be linked to seizures in dogs. To prevent such episodes, transitioning to a high-quality dog food with few ingredients and a single protein source, while reducing carbohydrate content, can be preventive measures. Including MCT oils in the diet can also be beneficial in reducing seizures and improving the overall health and quality of life for dogs.
Some seizures may also be caused by:
Too much fat in the diet. Meat products should never have a fat content higher than a maximum of 10%, preferably lower.
Imbalance between Omega 3 and Omega 6. Many feeds contain a much higher proportion of Omega 6, so it may be necessary to add food with a high Omega 3 content, such as fatty wild-caught fish (wild salmon, herring, mackerel), elk, deer, and wild venison.
Too high a proportion of animal products. Try reducing the amount of meat, fish, and eggs to 1/4 of the portions and instead increase quinoa, red/green/black lentils, and beans and peas that contain a lot of protein.
Digestive problems. High pH value in the stomach is often caused by dry food and results in a pH value of 6, while home-cooked raw food (BARF) gives a pH value of 2 or lower. Unfiltered apple cider vinegar and sauerkraut on the food can help.
By being aware of and addressing these factors, a balanced diet can be created, promoting the well-being of dogs and reducing the risk of seizures. A thoughtful diet is an investment in the long-term health and joy of a dog's life.
Read more about raw food on the "Food" page.
/Mirabelle Wesden